For the delivery and maternity period:
- 10 cellulose mats
- 1 umbilical clip or cord ring
- 10 meshes 10/10
- 2 packs of navel gauze 1/16
- bed cover
- 8 fabric hydrophilic diapers
- bottle 70% alcohol
- thermometer
- 2 packs of maternity pads
- 1 pack sanitary pad
- 1 or 2 metal pitchers with cover
Content of hospital bag:
- Nightgowns or T-shirt
- Bra and panties and possibly socks.
- Set of clean clothes.
- Toiletries.
- Clothes for the baby (at least two hats).
- Maxi cosi and blanket.
Addresses Thuiszorgwinkels
Thuiszorgwinkel Vegro,
telephone 0800 – 2 88 77 66
Betje Wolffstraat 140, 2533 HT Den Haag
Mon to Fri 9:00-17:30
Sat 9:00-17:00
Glenn Millerhof 5, 2551 JP Den Haag
Mon to Fri: 09:00– 17:30
Koningin Julianalaan 40, 2274 JL Voorburg
Mon to Fri: 9:00 to 17:30
Saturday: 9:00 to 16:00